School Fees Loans
Our School Fees Loans ensure that your loved ones have uninterrupted access to quality education, with low-interest rates and manageable repayment terms

Loan requirements
- This loan is taken to facilitate payment of school fees, it covers primary, secondary school, college or university fees.
- A maximum of one hundred thousand shillings (KES 100,000.00) will be given depending on the member’s shares and the loans held.
- This loan will be disbursed within one week of application, subject to availability of funds.
- Interest rate is one percent (1%) per month on a reducing balance basis.
- School fees Loan is payable within twelve (12) months.
- A member shall be allowed one school fees loan running at any given time.
- A member should provide documentation to prove the need of the school fees and a cheque will be written in favour of the institution that the school fees is being paid, the balance from the school fees may be paid to the parent/guardian subject to proof of school related expenses.
or call us +254 797 709711, +254 100 345799